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Revealed at last – 18 Easy to follow steps that you can use to build yourself a professional looking, money making blog today.
I know when I first started out online that it was really frustrating trying to get anything done, as I would always be missing a vital piece of the puzzle to get my own blog up and running and I would sit there stuck, hoping someone would come along and give me the missing pieces to my online business.
Perhaps you are like me and have watched those YouTube videos on how to set up a profit making blog, only to find vital steps of the process missing or the sound quality too poor to follow.
Well I want to clear up the confusion right now and let you watch over my shoulder while I take you by the hand and show you how to create a slick looking, professional blog today, so you can get the word out about your business and start making some cash at the same time.
If you are still wondering about the benefits of blogging today, let’s fill in that piece of the puzzle right now.
If you want to succeed online it’s vital that people really connect with you as a person, what you stand for, and what makes you different. And when they connect with you something magical happens. They will gladly pay you for your products or services.
And guess what? – a blog is a great way for you to connect on a personal level with your readers and make money in the process.
Imagine you had access to a business that is growing by 441% a year? This the annual growth rate of internet usage with 1,966,514,816 people online right now using the internet today!!
Through a blogging platform you can set yourself up as an expert in your particular niche. People will see your passion through your words and will see you as the “go to mentor” for a solution to their problem. Again they will happily pay you for the privilege of solving their problem.
Forget PPC and all the paid advertising methods out there. You can easily get natural rankings in the search engines for various keywords for free with a blog, and you can drive traffic to your site that will convert into cash at no expense.
Having a blog is a great way to get out there and get yourself and your product seen in the market place, and the fact is that Google will love you for the new content you provide and will love the WordPress blog that you set up,
There are millions of people out there that are looking for solutions to their problems in different niches and they are dying to meet someone who they can trust online to advise them- and yes– to sell them a solution to their problem.
Let’s look at how you can cut through all the difficulties in setting up a blog and explode onto the blogging scene with something that we like to call……
The easy to follow guide to “setting up and running today” with you own blog (even if you’re the least techie person on the planet).
If by now you’re wondering why we at “Nuclear Blogger” are the ones to walk you step by step through our simple blog creation process…
My name is Matthew Newill and I have been blogging since 2006, before I went full time in 2009. My background is in IT so I can answer any technical… Read more…