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How are you expected to learn how to properly take advantage of all of iOS 7′s powerful features if you don’t know about them? More importantly, what about the features it doesn’t detail on its official website? There are at least 100 new features in iOS 7 and Apple only details 11 on their official website!
This means there is easily 89 other features you could be utilizing on your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, but likely will never know about. And this is only in iOS 7, just think about the hundreds of features that have been carried over from previous firmware versions like iOS 6 and iOS 5.
That sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? The sad thing is this applies to almost everyone who purchases and Apple iOS device.
We thought you owed it to yourself to at least learn how to use the iOS device you bought to its fullest capabilities, and that is why we created iOS Centric. A learning platform of over 100 (and growing) short and sweet instructional videos that will teach you how to best take advantage of all the features your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad has to offer.
We were tired of seeing people spend the amount of money Apple charges for their products and ONLY knowing how to do basic functions like compose a text message, open the multitasking tray or make a phone call.
Apple’s iOS 7 operating system offers so much more than even what an Apple Genius can show you. In fact, with the knowledge you will gain from iOS Centric, we bet you would be able to show an Apple Genius a thing or two. iOS Centric’s goal isn’t to be able to allow you to show up an Apple Genius though, it is to be able to help everyday people (like you), who invested their hard earned dollars in an Apple product, to actually be able to use it to its fullest ability to be ability.
With a membership to iOS Centric you will never have to worry about being frustrated again. Our extensive video library that covers both iOS 7 and iOS 6 will teach you how to properly utilize the full power of iOS. This will make you more productive and save you hours of frustration than if you were forced to figure out everything out on your own.
And let’s be honest, who has the time to scour every nook and cranny of iOS? Let our team of iOS experts do the digging for you and then teach you the best iOS tips / tricks in our professionally produced videos.
We knew we had to make iOS Centric priced low enough that it would allow anyone to acquire knowledge, that in the long run could save you from wasting hours lost not knowing how to properly use your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. That is why we decided to offer iOS Centric at the extremely low price of $19.99. This isn’t $19.99/month either or anything like that, this is a one-time payment for lifetime access to both our video library, future updates and support.
You might be wondering… can’t I head down to my local book store and get one of those “how to use your iPhone for Dummies” books? Well, you could, but the problem is the information presented in these books is often times too simplistic and not very well organized. Not to mention, who really has time to read a 200 plus page manual?
Not only is… Read more…