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You write blog posts, or publish articles online. Or perhaps you buy articles from content writers, or accept guest posts on your blog. You get indexed by the search engines fast enough, but recently, for some unknown reason, you can’t seem to rank for any of your keywords.
That’s a real problem, because unless your article ranks, it won’t generate any traffic. And as you know, traffic equals money.
Your articles and posts aren’t ranking because they’re being ACCIDENTALLY dumped by Google, through no fault of your own, even if you wrote them from scratch! Because you haven’t spent a couple of minutes making sure your content passes Google, it’s getting lumped in with all the badly spun and badly written stuff that the Googleboys are determined to reject from the index! Even if you think your material is perfect, a few colloquial phrases or conversational paragraphs may accidentally be triggering Google’s new filters, and that is all it takes to end up on page 50, where there is ZERO TRAFFIC.
The list of things you have to do to pass the new filters is growing constantly, and that’s why we have created – to do the hard work for you. Just like you would use a spell checker, let PassGoSEO automatically show you what needs doing in order to pass Google.
Spending just a couple of minutes on each new article to check that it will pass Google could save you MONTHS of SEO work – time you could spend more profitably creating new posts or building your business. Check out what happens if you don’t ensure your content is high quality:
Without even one star, you’re doomed to spend eternity in Google’s ‘reject’ pile, unless you spend a FORTUNE on SEO, creating backlinks that look ‘earned’, and wasting MONTHS trying to ‘force’ Google to give you some love! Now take a look if you spend just a few short minutes making sure your content is of the very highest quality:-
One minute on PassGoSEO replacing MONTHS of mind-breaking SEO grunt work! One minute making sure you pass Google replaces THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS of backlink building!
Five minutes on PassGoSEO will ensure your article will rank the very best it ever can for your keywords!
Take a look at this short video to see how easy it is to pass Google with PassGoSEO, and how dramatic the results are:-
Here’s what you should be taking away from the video – some VERY important facts that you MUST be aware of. There are lots of definite no-nos nowadays, including:-
If you buy articles, for example from writers on forums, you may have been tempted by the cheap offers. $1 for 500 words, that kind of thing. STOP RIGHT THERE! Check it with PassGoSEO to make sure it will pass Google before you publish it, or you could be risking a Googleban!
Spend just 5 minutes checking that article you just bought, and you could see it rank on page 1 of Google instead of page 500!
Remember that YOU are responsible for what you publish, so if you don’t check the articles you buy, YOU could be the one in the hole! The same applies to guest posts – if YOU publish it, YOU are responsible, so check it with PassGoSEO to avoid any possibility being mistakenly flagged up as a spammer!
Whether you prefer WordPress, Blogspot, Drupal or any other blogging system, our online member’s site enables you to automatically test any bit of writing to ensure it passes Google and will be suitable for a high ranking. We’ve… Read more…