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In this 72-page eBook, computer expert Wisler Andre teaches you all the ins and outs to help prevent, detect, and implement online security. Based on over 10 years of real-world experience, this content-rich educational manual from Wisler Andre can save you hours of frustration and thousands of dollars.
If you aren’t concerned about safety and security when you go online, you should be. There’s not necessarily any reason to panic at any given moment, but consider this: Are your children roaming the Internet unsupervised and unprotected? Is your sensitive financial information floating freely in the hands of Internet retailers as well as hackers and thieves? Maybe a mild panic is in order.
When you use the Internet, you’re letting strangers with their uncertain morals and unfamiliar technologies into your homes and into your lives. But with these risks comes so much benefit that it’s silly and wrong to avoid using the Internet just because of your fears.
The key to staying safe — and feeling safe — when online is education, and we can help you with that.
Face that fear of the unknown and learn everything you need to know about the Internet rather than avoiding the computer and worrying all the time. The Internet is part of our everyday lives now, and we simply can’t avoid it. That’s obvious since you’re using it right now. Plus, you can’t live or work very well without good Internet skills. Most job listings are online, and many companies don’t print paper applications anymore. You have to apply online.
There’s really no reason for panic about the Internet when you have all the facts. Learn about online security, Internet safety and more and you’ll be totally empowered to embrace this trend that isn’t going away. You won’t be afraid anymore.
You’ve probably heard stories from friends or relatives who were taken in by an online scam, had their credit card number stolen or were misled by someone in a forum or chat room. But did you know that their own mistakes — caused by their lack of education about the Internet — may have been to blame?
Don’t repeat their mistakes. You don’t have to learn by doing. Instead, you can gain all the information you need to stay safe online from a single 72-page eBook that gives you real insights from a person who has years of Internet experience and has learned from his mistakes and those of others.
Using real life examples and step-by-step instructions, you’ll see how keeping yourself and your kids safe isn’t as difficult as you might think when you better understand how the Internet works.
Shopping and banking online are easy, convenient and safe if you understand the protections that are already in place for your benefit. There’s no worry of compromised security and no problem with someone listening in like there is on the telephone.
You can’t put a price on keeping yourself and your family safe. And protecting your financial information could save you hundreds or even thousands plus hours of your time. An eBook that can help you do these two important things is worth a couple hundred dollars, right?
For just $19.95, you can safely and securely download Discovering the World Wide Web – The Complete Guide to Internet Safety, the eBook that has all the information you need for a safer online experience.
Remember, it includes step-by-step instructions, valuable personal stories you can learn from and more… Read more…