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How ‘fine print’ in ToS/ToU can turn your life upside down? Or how good intentions of ones in digital sphere can lead to embarrassing surprises in real, ‘offline’ life for others? Remarkable collection of cases with detailed analysis helped me to review and re-shape all my online activities, both social and private. At the end of the day, the only guards of our privacy are us ourselves and if we won’t take care of our data (both directly created by us and indirectly generated ‘metadata’), someone else will do it and usually not with charity ideas in mind
Short learning curves of modern computerized professional tools and everyday time pressure barely leave us the room (and motives) for learning ground knowledge about the techniques we all depend on. For those, who care about own privacy — a ‘Must Have’ reading, vibrant, with lots of real life examples and practical tips for everyone from housewife to nerdy geek
Both free video lessons set and the eBook are surprisingly valuable even for such a techy guy like me… Being the professional in the certain area, many of us often do not pay attention to some fine details ‘outside our box’ and really important stuff regularly gets missed
Johannes (Hans) Tiedemann is the computer technology expert with over 20 years of experience from software development and support to network architecture and large-scale projects in telecom and mobile networking industry. Last years he’s focused on personal data safety and security, digital privacy issues, legal, historical and political concerns (both national and international), data safety standards, point-to-point encryption solutions, non-mainstream hardware and software tools and applications as well as various network anonymity projects. Combining own technical and life experience, Hans has quite an impressive skillset, and countless tips and advices to share with you… Join the site or buy the ebook and see it for yourself!
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