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Finally!! A Complete Step By Step Video Training on how to create your own minisite from scratch using High-End Software like Photoshop, Frontpage and Dreamweaver that Will Take You By The Hand, It’s As Easy As Riding A Bike With Training Wheels…
Believe me you are not alone!! There are literally thousands and thousands of people just like you!! You want to start your own internet business and set up a good looking minisite so you can start selling but you just don’t have all the "right" resources you need to get started.
You’ve joined opportunity after opportunity online and they tell you, "Just do this and then do that and you’ll be rich"!! "Just buy my product and you’ll have instant riches". You believe it and do everything they say and each time nothing happens. Still somewhere deep down inside you know you have what it takes to make it happen.
You hear that voice inside that says "I know I can do this"… "if only someone would slow down, take me by the hand and show me how to do everything step by step". If this is you please keep reading…
Listen the only way to be successful online is to know your business from the ground up, inside and out. You need to be in the drivers seat and have full control of your business. You don’t need anything shoved down your throat!
You decide what will be best for your minisite. Don’t let everyone else dictate what you have to do and what you will do! Don’t settle for boring and ugly! There’s already way too many boring and ugly sites out there. Be different. Stand out from the crowd with an appealing minisite.
Every successful entrepreneur online will tell you that you need to have your own website (minisite) to make real money online. It doesn’t matter if you are just simply promoting affiliate programs or selling downloadable products like ebooks, reports, scripts, building a list or membership site.
In a few moments, I’ll show you a fast and easy way to build your own minisite from scratch. This is not some course, ebook or "magic formula." It’s unlike any videos that you may have seen before… All you need is a minisite. Some of you might be asking, "What is a minisite" and "Why is everyone so crazy about them"? A minisite is a small site with a few pages that focus on the subject and it is widely used by many successful internet marketers to promote their products or services. Now you need to know…
You’ve seen it from John Reese "Traffic Secrets", Mike Filsaime "Butterfly Marketing", Joel Christopher "Birthday Blowout" to Scott Boulch "The Death Of Adsense" these marketers raked in so much money with their products by simply using a minisite.
There’s nothing special or magical about it. It works because it’s simple, Plain HTML even search engines like it! it’s easy to navigate and it focuses directly on the subject which is to sell fast and furious.
First let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Albert Hallado and I’m just a regular guy who is happily married with four kids and we live in Las Vegas. I started doing business online way back in the dial-up and web TV era.
But for the past three years my focus has been on Investigating and Interviewing all the successful entrepreneurs online. I’ve studied those who have attained serious success. The last interview I did was with Scott Boulch the author of the most controversial report… Read more…