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Transform your site/blog to a its own traffic monster. Once this script is set on your site, watch the viral effect at work as it brings unstoppable targeted traffic on auto pilot.
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I have tried this plugin out and found so many advantages in just a single plugin. I’ve spent a lot of time Googling about any plugin to make me able do display the optin form where ever I want in my blog and CashDonator is exactly what I have been looking for.. It does not only lets me to put optin forms, but also ads, product sales and donation buttons in particular posts of my blog without any coding. All I can say about CashDonator is that "It is worth every penny" – Ehsan Ullah Guide To Blogging
CashDonator, by Enstine Muki, of EasyRetweet, was exactly what I was looking for, to augment my web site. As many of you know, the life of the blogger can be quite busy and efficient use of time is essential if you want to be successful at what you do.
This plugin fit the bill when it comes to doing several things at once. As the name implies, it assists with placing boxes on your site to make cash, whether it be affiliate programs, Google adSense ads, or even your own product. Now, it is true that I am capable of logging into PayPal and making a button, but why do that when CashDonator does it for me in seconds? You can edit your button any time, changing the text to be more appealing, or whatever you want to do with the box.
CashDonator is not just limited to money making boxes. It is a virtual placeholder in your posts. And, if you are short of time and don’t have the moment to place it exactly where you want it in the post, you can set the box to be placed, automatically, at the top or the bottom of the post. This is handy when placing newsletter code, special offers, downloads, advertising.
Literally, the uses for CashDonator are only limited by what you can dream up for your site. And, giving opportunities to put those money-making boxes, besides?! What more could you ask for in a WordPress plugin?
There comes a time when we all want to add that certain type of button on to our blog posts, such as a donate with PayPal button, but sometimes we just want to do it quickly without having to load up PayPal and create a button.
CashDonator allows us to do… Read more…